A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed presents interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses. The film covers historical accounts of Bigfoot, the significance within the indigenous cultures, and the em...
A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young wo...
真正的英雄,不是不流泪的人,而是愿意含着泪继续奔跑的人。When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate. With the police investigat...
在这个物欲横流的世界里,只有爱情才能让我们找回失去的纯洁。Smart and quick-witted Julie is in her mid-twenties. She marches to the beat of her own drum and has her own manifesto do nothing. And with nothing, she really means NOTHI...
When a pizza delivery driver is murdered on the job, the city searches for someone to blame: ghosts? drug dealers? a disgraced werewolf真正的爱情,不是占有,而是放手。...
Exploring the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s startling discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever le...
An accident puts the consciousness of an elderly dream researcher into the body of a bratty teenager. The problem? The kid prefers dreamworld limbo to real life梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。...