In a dark forest, an ancient European ritual is about to take place. A battle is brewing between the power-hungry Celts, the rampaging Vikings, the secretive wood elves and the mysterious shaman Murta...
终止了一段破败的婚姻,干练自强的凯瑟琳(伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue 饰)带着女儿艾莉莎(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)远离芝加哥,搬到了一处位于州际公园丛林深处的房子居住。这里风光秀美,景色宜人,深得母女二人的欢心。美中不足的是,附近一处住宅四年前曾经发生惨绝人寰的杀人案件,失踪的女儿更成为当地人口中盘桓不去的幽怨鬼魂,这一切令人不免心怀惴惴。未过多久,心...
Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's se...
托托(法朗西斯哥·克丽萨诺 Francesco Golisano 饰)在很小的时候就遭到了父母的抛弃,幸运的是,他遇见了善良的老婆婆罗洛塔(埃玛·克瑞姆悌克 Emma Gramatica 饰),两人相依为命,度过了一段充满了温馨与快乐的幸福岁月。然而好景不长,罗洛塔死后,托托的生活再度陷入了困境之中,无奈之下,他只得前往贫民窟寻求庇护。 一次偶然中,人们在贫民窟内发现了价值连城的石油矿井,富人...