Reminiscent of the horror classic The Uninvited, Michael Madsen and Robert Davi lead an all-star cast in this terrifying horror film about a TV crew shooting a reality show at an abandoned mental inst...
A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a bloody path across the city. The only thing that can st...
Charged with leading demonstrations for the democratization movement, student activist Kim Gi-young (Moon Sung-keun) is a fugitive from the law. He sneaks into a mining village on the verge of being s...
The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped women are kept imprisoned in a squalid medical facili...
The mini-series follows the history of the Roman Empire, from approximately the death of Marcellus (24/23 BC) to Claudius' own death in 54 AD. As Claudius narrates his life, we witness Augustus&...