The series follows five daring young explorers as they encounter treacherous, action-packed adventures, remarkable mysteries, unparalleled danger, and astounding secrets in an unforgettable odyssey th...
In order to get out of a financial crisis, high school teacher Balz Naef (53) starts recruiting and training streakers for illegal sports betting. While he and his team help streaking become the new t...
Documentary filmmaker Jon Greenhalgh examines the life of Dave Schultz, a professional wrestler who was part of 'Team Foxcatcher', funded by multi-millionaire John du Pont每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯...
In the follow-up to the outrageously funny and wildly successful past shows: 2012's "What's Wrong With People?" and 2014's "Aren't You Embarrassed?" comedian Sebast...
This Christmas, Thunder Mountain Ski Resort is abuzz when celebrity chef Shane Roarke is named the new head chef. Clara Garrison isn't as excited and is instead focused on getting resettled after ...
Moritz (11) convinced his mother to a special holiday on Cyprus, to meet there his unsuspecting father Aiven Bastekis, once her one-night-stand. Aiven, who runs the family textile trade firm, is start...