5故事时间线跳跃到上一季的五年后,Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和Jim(大卫·康拉德 David Conrad 饰)的儿子Aiden(康勒·吉比斯 Connor Gibbs 饰)已经五岁了。他拥有和Melinda相同的能力,但是要比她强大得多,甚至能够看见或听见Melinda察觉不到的东西。通过Melinda帮助转世是亡魂并非都转世到明亮,有...
Police officer Lukas, tracking down leads Artan and Louise, a divorced couple on an emotionally-charged road trip when Artan takes Louise hostage to reunite with his daughter. The journey takes them t...
意大利北部工业城市拉文纳,无处不在的工厂噪音、被污染的河流、荒凉的郊外、冷清的街道,一片人间炼狱的模样。远处,一个身着绿衣的年轻女子,在巨型高耸的烟囱和吞吐着迷雾的管道中驻足。在这污浊荒废之地,她显得烦躁不安又神思恍惚。原来这个略显神经质的女人朱莉安娜(莫尼卡·维蒂 Monica Vitti饰)的丈夫正是这家冶炼厂的经理乌戈(卡洛·吉奥内蒂 Carlo Chionetti饰)。乌戈把她介绍给自己的...
The Red Pill chronicles filmmaker Cassie Jaye's journey following the mysterious and polarizing Men's Rights Movement. The Red Pill explores today's gender war and asks the question "...