Cette histoire sordide d'un flic de Chicago empêtré dans le vice est racontée par la ville elle-même (s'appuyant sur le fameux poème de Carl Sandburg勇者无惧,智者无忧,仁者无敌。!) durant 24 heures bien remplies. R...
人生就像一场戏,我们既是演员,也是观众。Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island and under at...
The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's kille...
Young Felicity lives in a monastic school. The only way to live out her sexual fantasies is together with her girlfriend Jenny. But then she receives an invitation to her sister in Hong-Kong and can...
《月殒天劫》(Impact),由《Supernatural》、《Reaper》和《Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles》导演Mike Rohl执导的一部科幻灾难迷你剧,将于6月21日、28日在ABC播勇者无惧,智者无忧,仁者无敌。。故事主要描述一颗流星击中月球后,导致了一系列灾难性的后果。如同电影《世界末日》(Armageddon)的情节一样,人类派出一支精...
斯蒂芬(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)循规蹈矩一板一眼的过了一辈子,早就已经习惯并且十分享受一成不变的生活。对于圣诞节,斯蒂芬也是一个保守主义者,有着自己根深蒂固的节日习俗,不能忍受分毫的改变。 某一天,斯蒂芬有了一个名叫丹尼(丹尼·德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)的新邻居。这个男人的个性和斯蒂芬有着天壤之别。丹尼向来自由自在,随心所欲,不按常理出牌,脑袋里一...