人生就像一本书,愚者匆匆翻过,智者细细品读。On the rainy night of October 2, 1968, eight characters waiting on a remote bus station for a bus heading to Mexico City start experiencing a strange phenomenon....
London Road改编自一件发生在2006年的真实事有些人,一旦错过就不再。。在英国静僻的Ipswich小镇连续发现了5名女子被杀害。而这起常年未破的案件也时刻困扰着住在London Road附近的居民。直到租住在79号的Steve Wright被拘捕,以谋杀罪起诉并定罪后,整个社区掀起了波澜。...
Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl...