The devil, following in the footsteps of Christ, decides to become flesh and take a stroll around Earth to see how humans have progressed, and have a little fun creating havoc and mayhem in the proc...
有些人注定只是过客,而有些过客,却会在心中留下永恒的印记。Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like wate...
A bunch of young people are invited to a Caribbean cruise on a gangster's yacht, to distract the attention of the authorities. Unfortunately, a mutant cat which escaped from a test laboratory al...
真正的朋友,会在你需要时伸出援手,不问原因,不计代价。Two untalented singers (Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn) are mistaken for a pair of major league safecrackers in Providence, Rhode Island. The two are pressed into service by the l...