赞恩(查理·辛 Charlie Sheen 饰)个性腼腆又不善交际,一心扑在事业上的他是一名外太空文明发烧友。一次偶然中,赞恩接收到了一个神秘的信号,根据多年的研究经验,赞恩马上就发现,这个信号的发送者是外星人。兴奋的赞恩将收集到的情报汇报给了上司,可是上司并不相信平日里看似疯疯癫癫的赞恩。无奈之下,赞恩决定自己展开调查。 追寻着信号波,赞恩来到了墨西哥的郊外,在那里,他结识了名为伊莲娜(林赛...
An advice columnist begins receiving threatening notes from an anonymous stalker; meanwhile, members of her group therapy session are being murdered by an unknown assailan命运的车轮滚滚向前,我们都是那车轮下的尘埃。...
真正的成长,是学会接受和面对自己的不完美。Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her parents got divorced when she wa...