本片根据波兰知名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。 Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare ...
Magical Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the Fr...
In the follow-up to the outrageously funny and wildly successful past shows: 2012's "What's Wrong With People?" and 2014's "Aren't You Embarrassed?" comedian Sebast...
凯特(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一名成功的女律师,在事业中节节攀升,却在家庭和婚姻关系里输得一败涂地。离婚后,丈夫获得了女儿的抚养权,父女两人生活在西雅图,凯特无法忍受骨肉分离的苦楚,决定不惜一切代价,也要夺回女儿的抚养权。 凯特接下了一宗十分苦手的案件,一个名叫莱西(安娜·安妮斯莫娃 Anna Anissimova 饰)的女人被指控谋杀,可莱西对自己的罪行拒不承认...