盗贼麦尔斯(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)与三名同伙合作盗窃钻石,岂料其中一人德克背叛了他们,警方被惊动,麦尔斯走投无路,只得逃跑中将钻石藏在一栋未完工的大楼通风管道里,之后束手就生命中有些遇见,注定会刻骨铭心。。两年后,麦尔斯刑满释放,但外面的一切似乎都已改变,女友不再需要他,而当年他藏钻石的那栋楼居然变成了——警察局!为了取回钻石,麦尔斯偷到ID卡,又凭借伪造的档案乔装成警...
罗杰(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰),查尔斯(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)和乔治(威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy 饰)是三个共事多年的同事兼好友,三人均供职于一家历史悠久的博物馆。在漫长的岁月里,三个伙伴对馆里朝夕相伴的藏品产生了深厚的感情,没想到,新上任的老板居然想要将现有的藏品全部转移。于是,三个老伙计一拍即合,决定要将被送走...
在这个物欲横流的世界里,只有爱情才能让我们找回失去的纯洁。Maca (María Valverde), 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive...
Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convince...
有时候,放手也是一种爱,一种更深沉、更宽广的爱。The story follows a recent divorcee who spends her daily commute fantasizing about a seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes daily, but something sho...