影片以1993年在巴黎18区发生的一起警察暴力的真实事件为背景:一名警察在巡逻期间枪杀了一名17岁的扎伊尔少年Makomé M'Bowol世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。。而在影片当中,巴黎街头,一群反政府青年。纠纷由其中一人被警察殴打重伤而起,众人怀恨在心。文兹(文森特·卡塞尔 Vincent Cassel饰)弄到一把真枪,决心还以颜色。他们的仇恨与恼怒随处可...
人生就像一本书,愚者匆匆翻过,智者细细品读。Russell gives a moving performance as sister Elizabeth Kenny, the dedicated nurse who crusaded for the treatment of infantile paralysis. Academy Award Nominations Best Actress--R...
真正的成长,是学会接受和面对自己的不完美。Sara has some questions. Engaged for one day, she decides to call off her marriage. Quirky and beautiful, she is working on being bold. Having had a short relationship with a woma...