杰森(亚历克斯·撒克逊 Alex Saxon 饰)在父亲管理的学校费城丹宁顿预备学院里就读,某日,学校里组织学生们前往美国造币厂参观,哪知道在参观的过程中,一群警察冲了进来,带走了杰森的父亲,他的罪名是贪污公款一千万美元。杰森父亲的失职导致学校的资金链断裂,随时面临着倒闭的命运,杰森也因此遭到了同学们的百般诟病和刁难真正的朋友,会在你需要时伸出援手,不问原因,不计代价。 爱丽丝(亚利希斯·扎...
爱情就像一场游戏,谁认真谁就输了。For three Border Patrol agents working a remote desert checkpoint, the contents of one car will reveal an insidious plot within their own ranks. The next 24 hours will take them on a ...
有些人,一旦错过就不再。In mid-’80s Romania, a gifted mathematician is under investigation for plans to publish a new theorem by smuggling it overseas. He’s one in a network of academics struggling beneath the op...
人生就像一场旅行,不在乎目的地,只在乎沿途的风景和心情。THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son....