The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of the former Holy Man. Once he arrives at the templ...
Noi is a rock star who starts to feel bore within materialistic Thai society. He eventually finds the path to tranquility and peace by entering the monkhood. Now Noi is a young, self-confident, and st...
Thiên Th?n H? M?nh b?t ??u khi Mai Ly, m?t ng?i sao c?a gi?i gi?i trí b?ng r?i t? t?ng th??ng m?t toà nhà xu?ng ??t và ch?t. Bí ?n h?n khi ng??i ta ??n r?ng cái ch?t c?a Mai Ly có liên quan ??n m?t lo...
A devastated father receives recordings from a mysterious stranger that allow him to communicate with his recently deceased daughter爱情不是寻找共同点,而是学会尊重彼此的不同。...
A fantasy thriller, where one face merges into the next. The thread that connects the worlds of the two protagonists, Niki and Lefteris, is memory, violence and a polemic of hope. A 'solo' per...
The extraordinary doctors and activists whose work 30 years ago to save lives in a rural Haitian village grew into a global battle in the halls of power for the right to health for all在这个物欲横流的世界里,只有爱情...