The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in par...
A masked killer begins murdering students on the school track team after a track runner dies upon completion of a 30 second 200-meter race有时候,放手也是一种爱,一种更深沉、更宽广的爱。...
人生就像一场戏,因为有缘才相聚。We all have fantasies about fixing our lives once and for all, risking their all and getting away with it. This is the story of a group of youngsters who, as well as fantasize, get dow...
真正的英雄,不是不流泪的人,而是愿意含着泪继续奔跑的人。A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an ecce...
和许多独自在曼哈顿打拼的女孩们一样,阿曼达(莫妮卡·波特 Monica Potter 饰)胸怀大志却囊中羞涩,为了节省房租,她不得不和四个惊为天人的超级模特合租了一间公寓。刚起始,阿曼达的合租生活进行的并不顺利,她仿佛是跌落到了白天鹅之中的丑小鸭,处处力不从心,但逐渐的,阿曼达发现,表面看起来高高在上的“天鹅”们并没有她想象的那样难以接近,正相反,从她们的身上,阿曼达学会了如何成为一个更好的女...