Based on the best-selling novel by David Guterson. After losing his wife of many years, retired heart surgeon Ben Givens learns that he has cancer and takes his beloved dog back to his boyhood home in...
After a car accident and stranded in the middle of nowhere, an ex-con and his daughter find themselves in an abandoned hotel, populated by sub-human cannibalistic creatures在这个世界上,只有一种英雄主义,那就是在认清生活真相之后...
故事发生在1946年的德国,第二次世界大战刚刚终止,战火让大地满目疮痍,家庭妻离子散。英俊上校刘易斯(杰森·克拉克 Jason Clarke 饰)和他的妻子瑞秋(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)在战争中失去了他们的大儿子,瑞秋因此非常的痛恨德国人,但是让她没有想到的是,战后,她和她剩下的家人们,要和一个名为史蒂芬(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 Alexander Skarsg?rd 饰)...