The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war torn country, Namburi. On their return home, their pla...
富商安东尼(Fernando Carrera 饰)雇佣了退伍军官大卫(Jerry Kwarteng 饰),任务是解救被游击队首领哈维尔绑架的妻子瓦伦蒂娜(朱莉娅·穆里根 Julia Mulligan 饰)。然而,当大卫找到瓦伦蒂娜后,才意识到瓦伦蒂娜和哈维尔曾经是一对深爱的恋人,他们之间的分离是由于安东尼的阴谋和欺诈。 大卫决定帮助瓦伦蒂娜和哈维尔,让他们逃离安东尼的控制,重新获得自由。然而,...
蝙蝠侠(乔治?克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)和罗宾(克里斯?奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell 饰)这次遇到有生以来最大的挑战:“急冻人”(阿诺?施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)! “急冻人”原是一个科学奇才,但一次意外却令他只能靠急救机器为生。更为糟糕的是,除非他将整个高谭市的温度保持在零度以下,否则他心爱的妻子将永远不能醒来。“急冻人”起始...
Foal and his friend John go on an unforgettable journey as they outsmart the tyrant King, catch the fire-bird and find John's true love upon the magic roads人生就像一本书,愚者匆匆翻过,智者细细品读。...