4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse. Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cristallisé par le fait qu’il se déroule la semaine de la Saint-Valentin à Paris, capital de l’amour. I...
科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着快乐的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个奇巧的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。 四个孩子起始了一次刺激的奇巧之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂盛的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛肥大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才意...
Nelson has a vivid nightmare of a woman being murdered and discovers that this is the beginning of a string of actual serial murders. To clear up this disturbing mystery, he pursues the serial killer ...
Story of a husband and wife that will stop at nothing to find her missing daughter, who disappeared on a family camping trip. When the police don't catch any leads, the duo take over在这个世界上,只有一种英雄主...
A veteran CIA hitman that has been receiving orders via the classified ads section of newspapers, but now his long-lost daughter, a UK M16 analyst, tracks him down to reveal that his CIA boss has been...