Diablero is centered around Father Ramiro Ventura, a fallen priest who finds himself seeking the aid of legendary "diablero" or demon hunter Elvis Infante. With the aid of Nancy Gama, a mo...
真正的勇士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。ppoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the s...
《史前公园》( Prehistoric Park )为英国FremantleMedia公司【与恐龙共舞】原班金制作群最新力作,由国际知名生物探险家奈吉·马文(Nigel Marven)生动主持,是一部唤醒大众智识且非常特殊的3D虚拟纪录片。本片很单纯地藉由近似一般常见于Discovery频道上的生物纪录片手法,描述生物探险家奈吉重返恐龙尚未灭绝的年代,去捕捉即将绝种的恐龙群回到现代饲养于「史前...