一班自命不凡、高人一等的狐朋狗友,相约星期三晚举行“白痴晚宴命运的车轮滚滚向前,我们都是那车轮下的尘埃。。规则非常简易,即是各人只须携一名“白痴之最”共赴晚餐,便能获得丰盛奖品。参与者之一皮埃尔(蒂埃里·莱尔米特 Thierry Lhermitte饰)打算带着新认识的皮侬(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret饰)赴宴。皮埃尔本以为这个看似傻里傻气的皮侬,一定是最佳人选。然而他的如意算盘却...
在这个世界上,没有绝对的公平,但我们可以追求相对的正义。In this Tony Award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim, several fairy tale characters learn the hard way that the 'Happily Ever After' they sought isn't necessarily so happ...
有些人注定只是过客,而有些过客,却会在心中留下永恒的印记。Lila had a dream to become a dancer since she's a little. She went to Paris trying to make her dream come true. But soon she found out it's not what she thought, her dream...