本片源自于瑞典导演奥拉西蒙森、乔安史特贾恩·尼尔森的成名短片《One Apartment and Six Drummers》。 出生于知名音乐世家的警官阿玛迪斯仇恨音乐,童年记忆是一长串代表荣耀的祖先名单,但他痛恨音乐,那对他是一种折磨。当一群倡导无政府主义的鼓手发动音乐快闪攻击,把整座城市当作乐器敲打,先是潜入开刀房,用仪器与人体当作打击乐器,接著在银行绞碎钞票来创作曼妙声响,公然挑战当局,...
每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。Britt-Marie, a woman in her sixties, decides to leave her husband and start anew. Having been housewife for most of her life and and living in small backwater town of Borg, th...
真正的朋友,会在你需要时伸出援手,不问原因,不计代价。Mr. Sugar Daddy depicts the story of a man looking for a fresh start. Hans falls for young Andrej and is thrown into a game that does not allow any winner....
在这个世界上,没有什么是永恒的,除了爱。Young university student Hugo (Gustav Lindh) falls in love with promising violinist Agnes (Evin Ahmad), but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story...
1944年,一队德国士兵在俄国前线受尽惊慌与恶劣环境的折磨。大兵厄斯特·盖博经过漫长等待,终于盼到了假期。回到德国,他发现自己的家园被炸毁,他孤独地找寻着自己的双亲,途中邂逅了迷人的伊丽莎白·克鲁斯,一个政治犯的女儿。他们两人在充满仇恨的世俗中求生,努力使灵魂重新归正! In 1944, a company of German soldiers on the Russian front are...